Slide 9. Hypatia
Martha White
Astrolabe ἀστρολάβος astrolábos; : ٱلأَسْطُرلاب al-Asṭurlāb; : ستارهیاب Setāreyābi
astronomical instrument handheld universe. functions inclinometer and analog calculation device problems in astronomy. simplest metal disc
a pattern wires, cutouts, perforations to calculate astronomical positions precisely. to measure above the horizon
time (and vice versa), survey, to triangulate. used classical antiquity, the Islamic Golden Age, the European Middle Ages and the Age of Discovery for all these purposes.
*This fragment, which we believe to have come from one of the latter day entries in what was known as ‘Wikipedia’ (circa 2000-2030), gives valuable insight into Hypatia’s legacy. We believe this instrument, which she likely helped to design, was ultimately what removed her from history.